E-Wom and Promotion Influence Towards Decisions To Stay At Malang Raya Hotel
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of variables from e-WOM and promotion on decisions to stay at hotels throughout Malang. The population used is customers or consumers who have stayed at the hotel and who have the potential to stay at the hotel. This research uses quantitative research with a survey method through a questionnaire. The number of samples in this study was 100 respondents. This sample was taken in the period of December 2020. The analysis technique of this research used multiple linear regression. The test results of this study indicate that each of the e-WOM and Promotion variables has a positive and significant effect on the Decision to Stay at Hotels in Malang Raya. This test shows that the e-WOM variable has a dominant influence on the decision to stay overnight with the results of the beta statistical value in the t-test that is greater than the promotion variable. This condition shows that the better the e-WOM that is disseminated and an innovative promotional strategy will increase consumer decisions to stay at hotels throughout Malang. This study is different from other studies because in this study, we put the object of the research into all hotels in Malang, with a survey that was distributed to hotel customers who had stayed in several different hotels.
Keywords: e-WOM, promotion, decision to stay overnight
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jithor.v4i1.31649
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