A school comprises of various individuals that look to accomplish specific tasks through collaboration to reach school missions. Each individual contribute to school growth and has diverse unique characteristic, such as their own needs, capabilities, experiences, motivations, knowledges, and values. Thus, situation in school can be unpredictable and principal should understand the roots of any conflict and manage it. Aims of this study is to explore conflict in islamic elementary school located in Nurul Fikri Islamic Elementary School Sidoarjo East Java and analyze how principal face the conflict by using conflict management strategy. This study using qualitative method. Finding of this study is school conflict that occurred caused by lack of communitation, unmatch beetwen job description and qualification, goal conflict, limited source, and lack of interaction caused by different individual’s value which make clashes in perceptions and attitude. Principal face the conflict using collaboration strategy to find the best solution through discussion, accomodating strategy to analyze condition which the conflict occurred, and forcing strategy which has win-lose when conflict should resolve with. Finaly, author suggested some recommendation of this study.
Keywords: School conflict, Conflict Management StrategiesFull Text:
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