This study used a descriptive-correlational design that sought to determine the personal experiences and level of interests of 23 BSEd students specializing in MAPEH of President Ramon Magsaysay State University – San Marcelino Campus. In this study, a survey questionnaire was used in exploring the personal experiences and level of interests of the students and an open-ended questionnaire to determine the problems and challenges faced by the students in enriching their personal experience and level of interest. Weighted mean and chi-square correlation were used to analyze and to interpret the gathered data. The study showed that the students have little experience in regards to Philippine Folk Dance, the study also showed that the relationship between the students’ personal experience and their level of interest. The students have a low interest in Philippine Folk Dance and there is a significant relationship to their interest. The researchers prepared a dance program intervention to enrich the students’ experiences that would raise their level of interest in Philippine Folk Dance. The proposed dance program intervention may be used in school with the guidance of the school administrators and teachers.
Keywords: Dance Program Intervention, Folk Dance, Interest, Philippines.
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