Enhancing language learning through gesture-based corrective feedback: A comparative study in a multi-country context

Nirwanto Maruf, Yaoping Liu, Kuchakovska Halyna, Khoirul Anwar, Rahmat Agus Santoso


This study investigates integrating innovative gestures in language instruction to enhance corrective feedback and improve learning outcomes across Indonesia, Thailand, and Ukraine. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, the research involved 35 observations and 35 interviews with 15 participants in Indonesia, 10 in Thailand, and 10 in Ukraine. A robust methodology was applied during data analysis, utilizing an analytical framework to examine both textual and visual data, exploring patterns and themes concerning corrective interventions and innovative gestures. Quantitative analyses revealed significant figures: In Indonesia, learners demonstrated an uptake frequency of approximately 83%, adjusting their language usage within an average of 17 seconds after exposure to corrective gestures. In Ukraine, learners exhibited a higher uptake frequency of around 87%, adjusting their language within an average of 13 seconds. In Thailand, learners showed an uptake frequency of 85%, with adjustments occurring within an average of 15 seconds. Incorporation speed varied, requiring 1-4 sessions based on context. Qualitative insights highlighted a transformative shift in language instruction methodologies across all three contexts. Educators reported increased student engagement and comprehension, with gestures enhancing the visibility and impact of corrective feedback. These findings underscore the transformative potential of integrating innovative gestures in language instruction, showcasing enhanced engagement, quicker uptake, and improved comprehension. The study highlights the need for further research to explore long-term impacts and potential challenges in diverse educational settings.


Corrective feedback; corrective intervention; innovative gestures; language instruction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijal.v14i3.74501


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