Exploring self-regulated learning strategies to enhance English speaking skills among EFL students

Ulin Ni'mah, Mutiatun Nasihah, Farid Munfaati


The idea of self-regulation derived from educational psychology has recently increased researchers’ interest in second language learning. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is crucial since it empowers language learners to take ownership of their studies. The present study examined the students’ SRL strategies to improve their speaking skills. It involved ninety English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university students majoring in non-English departments. An explanatory sequential mixed-method approach was employed to get an in-depth understanding of this study. The quantitative phase identified the correlation between SRL and students’ speaking skills while the qualitative phase explored the implementation of SRL in improving students’ speaking skills. In obtaining the data, a self-regulated learning questionnaire adapted from Zimmerman and Schunk (1998) and open-ended interview guidelines were used to figure out the objectives of this study. The quantitative results revealed a positive correlation between the students’ SRL strategy and speaking skills, suggesting that students with higher self-regulated learning are inclined to have better speaking abilities. In addition, the qualitative findings indicated that to elevate their speaking skills, the students employed the three phases of SRL including forethought, performance or volitional control, and self-reflection along with the use of several online platforms to support their learning process. These findings offer valuable insights into the importance of self-regulated learning to enhance EFL students’ speaking skills, fostering both academic development and practical communication competence.


Self-regulated learning, speaking skills, EFL students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijal.v14i3.72000


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