Analysis of selected political Malaysiakini news visuals: A discursive news value and visual semiotics approach
This research examines the newsworthiness and ideological values embedded in political visuals, particularly those depicting leaders and politicians, as published by Malaysiakini, a leading Malaysian online news platform. Using a qualitative content analysis approach, the study is informed by Bednarek and Caple’s (2017) framework on discursive news values and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (1996) visual semiotics. It analyzed 12 political visuals published on Malaysiakini between April and October 2021. The analysis focuses on how these visuals align with three key newsworthiness values: eliteness, negativity, and positivity. The findings reveal that Malaysiakini often combines eliteness with either negativity or positivity, with eliteness serving as the dominant framing element for political figures. These visual representations reflect Malaysiakini’s editorial stance and ideological priorities, shaping how political leaders and issues are presented. Furthermore, the analysis highlights how political visuals function as ideological tools, embedding implicit meanings that align with the platform’s editorial identity and influencing audience perceptions. This study underscores the significant role visuals play in constructing and conveying ideologies. By portraying political figures and events in specific ways, Malaysiakini reinforces dominant political narratives, influencing public understanding of key issues. The research contributes to visual news analysis by demonstrating how media visuals can frame political discourse and shape ideological perspectives. Additionally, it offers insights into how Malaysian media organizations strategically use visual content to engage audiences and communicate editorial priorities.
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