Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies

Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies publishes papers regularly three times a year by the Film and Television Study Program, issued by the Faculty of Art and Design Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies provides open access to the public to read abstract and complete papers. Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies, focuses on Television and Film studies. Each edition, Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies receives a manuscript that focuses on the following issues with an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, which are:


The Aesthetics and Film Sciences Expertise

is a group of expertise that covers areas of study that are more scientific and related to film practice. The subjects included in this expertise are in the scientific areas of Television Film History, Television Film Studies, Film and Television Semiotics, Film and Television Aesthetics, Archipelago Cultural Analysis Methodology, Film and Television Production Management, Media and Cultural Literacy, and Film and Television Criticism. Television developed in the FTV curriculum. This KBK is more related to the profession of filmmaking practitioner; directors, producers, editors, camera engineers, sound engineers, artistic directors, film actors, documentary filmmakers, casting, action and visual effects, such as screenwriters, critics, film historians, film curators, film lecturers, film managers and experts film conservation.

Popular culture and mass media

have a relationship like two sides of a coin, knitting into an inseparable whole. The popularity of a culture is very dependent on the mass media to be introduced and then become part of people's lives. For the mass media, constructing and exposing culture to be popularized has become the pulse of life. It is not surprising then that today's mass media are familiar as creators and owners of popular cultural content. In addition to 'marketing' the culture itself, the media also tries to always present programs that are loved by the community. While in the Motion Picture Aesthetics KBK the focus is on the profession of film and other motion picture practitioners such as animation, the KBK for Media Studies and Popular Culture tries to see the potential of other professions that do not only study moving pictures. Producer profession, content production related to the broadcasting industry to studies related to programs carried out in other work practices, which are related to the process of disseminating information to a wide audience. So the professions that are part of the main focus in the KBK for Media Studies and Popular Culture are important factors, especially in the current era of new media.



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Posted: 2023-02-24



Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies invites academics, researchers and observers on issues, film, television and new media arts and applications in an academic context to submit articles in Indonesian to be published in Volume 3, Issue 2 of 2023.

The provisions for submitting a manuscript are as follows:


1. Volume 3 Issue 2 in 2023 (published in June 2023)

2. Manuscripts in the form of research results, conceptual ideas, and theoretical application studies of Film Studies, Video Art, New Media Art, Television Studies, Communication Strategies in the Field of Television and Film, Communication Models Used in the Field of Television and Film, The Study of Media Texts in Television Program and Film, Marketing Studies on Television and Film, Management Studies on Television and Film.

3. The manuscript has not been published and is the work of the author, not plagiarism.

4. The manuscript is written in Indonesian

5. Systematics of writing, introduction, methods, discussion, conclusions and bibliography adjust to thamplate which can be downloaded here

6. The author is willing to revise the manuscript if needed


Posted: 2023-02-22
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Vol 3, No 2 (2023): June

Table of Contents


Dedi Novaldi, Satria Nugraha
Muhammad Tiffano
Agus Sutardi
Mustika Andini
Ike Ratnawati, Gharisa Nur Alam