Design and Development of Hair Cutting Service Search and Call Application Using Android-Based Waterfall Method

Firman Damai Zebua, Andy Paul Harianja


The design of a barber service search and call application using the Android-based Waterfall method is about creating an application that makes it easy for users to search for and call barber services via the Android platform. The Waterfall method is used in the design process of this application to ensure that the resulting application truly meets the needs and desires of users. In the stages of designing this application, Waterfall involves users in the process of collecting information, Requirements, System Design, Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance. By involving users in each design stage, it is hoped that the resulting application can be more intuitive, easy to use, and meet user expectations. This application has features such as searching for barber services based on location. Users can also see barbers, and make reservations directly through the application. This application also has communication features such as chat between users and barbers, Thus, users can provide instructions or consultations before getting a haircut.


Android application; Barber service; Waterfall methodology

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