Studies on Characteristics of Yogurt Made with Addition of Various Plant Extracts for Education Purposes

Eva Watamtin Widhiya, Dian Resita Febriani, Rizki Amalia Indraswari


Numerous yogurt products have been developed in Indonesia with the addition of plant extracts. Plant extracts added to making yogurt affect yogurt quality and can increase the value of local Indonesian plants. The goal of this review is to investigate the characteristics of yogurt with the addition of various plant extracts based on pH, viscosity, aroma, and flavor. This review article adopts a comprehensive literature review strategy, investigating numerous studies and sources to assemble and present information on the manufacture of yogurt including plant extract for education purposes. Yogurt made with the addition of Indonesian plant extracts has a pH that complies with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and is liked by panelists because of its specific aroma. However, the addition of plant extracts can affect the viscosity of yogurt products and flavor, so it is necessary to formulate.


Characteristics; Education; Plant extracts; Yogurt

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