Prakiraan Jumlah Curah Hujan Berdasarkan Data Parameter Cuaca Tahun 2011-2021 di Kota Pangkalpinang
Tropical weather prevails in the Pangkalpinang city region, complemented with a changeable rainy season that experiences monthly variations. This phenomena results in a considerable amount of precipitation in the city of Pangkalpinang, making the area known for its extreme rainfall. Using multiple linear regression approaches to anticipate monthly precipitation is the aim of this work. Rainfall (RR), air temperature (T), air humidity (RH), and air pressure are all part of the dataset that was collected over an 11-year period (2011–2021). The information was obtained from the meteorological station in Depati Amir Pangkalpinang. This study uses the multiple linear regression method. The rainfall forecast results are compared to the observed actual rainfall amounts. Based on air temperature and air humidity as predictors, the results show that the estimation of cumulative monthly precipitation in the Pangkalpinang city region for the year 2021 produced an average root mean square error (RSME) value of 112.6 mm/month. Furthermore, the T-test analysis produced a 0.9 result. With air temperature, humidity, and pressure as predictors, the total monthly rainfall for 2021 was predicted with an average root mean square error (RMSE) value of 107.9 mm/month. A T-test was also performed, and the result was 0.4. The results of this study show that the monthly rainfall forecast model for the city of Pangkalpinang that includes factors related to temperature, humidity, and pressure produces better results than the model that only includes these variables. November and December are the months with the greatest variations.
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