Development of Physical Fitness Test Measurements for Sports Gymnastics Creations Based On Applications

Galih Yoki Haryanto, H Hartati, I Iyakrus, Herri Yusfi, Meirizal Usra


The purpose of this study is to develop a product in the form of an application that can measure the results of physical fitness tests in creative gymnastics. The result of this study is a media product in the form of an application. A total of 30 students, aged 14-15 years, were the subjects of this study. This study was validated by three experts. The first is the media expert, namely the IT specialist of the Physical Education programme (85%), the material expert, namely the teacher of the State Junior High School 4 Palembang (88%), and the language expert, namely the secretary of the Indonesian Language Education programme (84%), using a questionnaire with various questions. From the three experts there is an average (86%). The application of measuring the results of physical fitness test of gymnastics creation is a media tool to measure several test components that are feasible to use. Based on the statistical test results of the study with a test of normality of 0.089, and a test of homogeneity of 1,000 and a test of independent samples of 1,000. It can be concluded that the measurement of the results of the application-based creation gymnastics physical fitness test developed and tested for validity and effectiveness can be used in teaching and learning activities.



Physical Fitness Tests Sports applications Sports Gymnastics Creations


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