Implementation of problem based learning model with Newspaper media to improve students critical thinking In social science learning viii-a grade
This research was motivated by the low ability of student’s critical thinking in a group of Social Science
learning in VIII-A Grade SMP Pasundan 6 Bandung. The purpose of this research is to describe planning,
implementation, result, obstacle and effort in the implementation of problem-based learning model with
newspaper media to improve student’s critical thinking ability. This research uses classroom action
research with Kemmis and Taggart model by using problem-based learning and newspaper as learning
media. The subjects of this research are37 students of VIII-A Grade SMP Pasundan 6 Bandung. Planning
of this research includes preparing RPP(Instruction Plan) and making instrument according to the needs.
This research was conducted for three cycles and obtained the result of student’s critical thinking
improvement in Social Science learning from first cycle until third cycle. The student’s critical thinking
ability in the first with the enough category, in the second with the enough category and in the third cycle
with the good category. The increase is signed by the number of students who ask questions, answer
questions asked by teachers by using their own language and using sentences that are understandable, as
well ascan find and solve existing problems in the environment related to the subject in a group
discussion activity. The problem of this research are the difficulty of finding newspapers related to the
subject presented and the implementation of lesson is inappropriate with the instruction plan. These
obstacles can be solved by reading of newspapers from various sources before implementing the action
and improving the learning process by delivering the subject in accordance to the instruction plan that has
been compiled. This research uses qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
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