Improving ecological intelligence of students through the Utilization of inorganic waste in making flipchart as a Learning media of social science (classroom action research At smpn 3 lembang kab. Bandung barat class viii-b)
Environmental disrespectful behavior such as the habit of littering, indifferent about
the consumption of the environmentally friendly products, then the lack of knowledge of
students about environment, also low ability of students in utilizing waste reflect that the
ecological intelligence of class VIII-B SMPN 3 lembang is still lacking. Therefore it is
necessary to take ways to improve the ecological intelligence of students. The efforts
made for that is by utilizing inorganic waste in making flipchart as a learning media of
social science. The expected objective of the research is improving the ecological
intelligence of students in utilizing inorganic waste by describing started from planning,
implementation, constraints and result of the improvement of the ecological intelligence of
students. The classroom action research uses model of Elliot. The result of the research,
first, the planning process is conducted to determine SK/KD, preparing RPP includes
applying the flipchart media and preparing research instrument. Second, the
implementation process is implementing learning aligned with the planning of the
research. Third, the constraints in the research is, the students are puzzled yet to determine
the theme of the flipchart which is made constraints, furthermore, make students
consciously keeping the environment around them. Fourth, the result in the research shows
the increasing in each cycle. Cycle I ecological intelligence of students in utilizing
inorganic waste reached the category of “enough” that is 66.6%. Cycle II reached the
“good” category that is 80.3%, and cycle III reached the “good” category that is 82.8%.
Therefore it can be concluded that the utilization of inorganic waste made as a media of
learning in the form of flipchart includes Including planning, implementation, and
constraints and results obtained could improve the ecological intelligence of students.
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