The effect of cooperative learning with student Facilitator and explaining (sfae) model on students’ Willingness to speak up
This present study was aimed at investigating the influence of cooperative learning with
SFAE model on triggering students to speak up when learning social science subject at Junior
High School of 2 Lembang. The research employed quasi experimental study with non-
equivalent control group design as well as pre- and post- giving treatment at 7H class as the
experimental group, while 7I as the controlled group. The sample of the research was chosen
by using purposive sample. One of the data gathering was a closed questionnaire that
inquired students’ willingness to speak up. The data were analyzed quantitatively by using t-
test. The study revealed that the results between pre- and post- giving treatment gained by the
experimental group showed significant difference. Whereas, the scores achieved in pre- and
post- the treatment by the controlled group were alike or the scores had no improvement.
Consequently, it can be concluded that the use of cooperative learning with student facilitator
and explaining (SFAE) model affected significantly on students’ willingness to speak up
when learning social science subject. yang berpengaruh terhadap sikap keberanian berbicara
siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS.
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