The Effects of Entrepreneurship Learning Methods To Learners Entrepreneurship Interest

Herlina Andy Irawan


The results of this research based on the sports data and students have passed entrepreurship who
is learning that the interest they did not grow optimally . Found school tuition who have passed
in two years to five years had not previously been many of those who seek to have their own
businesses . The limitation of synthesis trouble taken is the learning methods in the classroom
and outside of class that is set as variable free and interest of entrepreneurship as variable bound.
Research methodology used in this research is a method of quantitative research survey
eksplanasi with the approach. Data processing using analysis Pearson Product Poment and
Double Correlations. The purpose of this research is to know how big the influence of the
learning methods both inside and outside of class against interest of entrepreneurship school
tuition. From the results of this study researchers were able to give advice to the teachers field of
study marketing and related parties to the students interest of entrepreneurship. The conclusion
of this research is the existence of a fairly significant effect of a method of learning in the
classroom and outside of the students interest of entrepreneurship.

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