Abstract: “Lembur Berseka” was launched by the Public Health Office, it has been established in every sub-district in Ciamis district. In the objectives achievement of “Lembur Berseka” program involves various sectors, for instance agriculture, tourism, BKKBN, environment, religion, economy and social. “Lembur Berseka” becomes a manifestation of the implementation of the third Nawacita (Nine Priorities Agenda) related to build Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of a unitary state, the fifth Nawacita related to improve the society’s life quality, and eighth Nawacita related to revolutionize the nation's character through a policy of rearranging the national education curriculum by prioritizing aspects of civic education, which places education aspects proportionally, such as teaching the history of nation building, values of patriotism and love for the country of origin, the spirit of defending the country and good manners character in the Indonesian Education curriculum. “Lembur Berseka” becomes a model and miniature of development that involves all sectors in society. In addition, “Lembur Berseka” can bring the development itself closer to the community, this program involves all development sectors. Furthermore, “Lembur Berseka” empowers the potential of the community to play a real role in the development. In this qualitative research with the case study method, the data collection was obtained through observation, interview and documentation. Cikembang, Semanik Village, Cipaku District, Ciamis Regency became the research site. This study emphasized that researchers can focus on exploring in depth about society participation in the implementation of “Lembur Berseka” program towards the environmental caring character. This study revealed (1) the understanding of Cikembang society about “Lembur Berseka”, (2) Cikembang society participation in “Lembur Berseka” program, (3) the impact of “Lembur Berseka” program towards environmental caring character of Cikembang society.
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