The Effectiveness of Using Google Form as an Assesment Platform in IPS Learning

Neng Onyas, Nana Supriatna, Yani Kusmarni


This research is motivated by using Google Form as an assessment platform in online learning activities on social studies subjects in class VIII-B Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ar-Rohmah Bandung. Online learning assessment using Google Form is used by teachers to overcome problems in ineffective assessments. The research aims to describe the use of Google Forms, identify the effectiveness of using Google Forms, analyze efforts to overcome obstacles to using Google Forms, and determine the responses of teachers and students in using Google Forms as an assessment platform. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with data collection in interviews, observations and, documentation studies. The study results stated that learning assessment using Google Forms which was considered effective in using Google Forms, used a multiple-choice test form because it can provide objective and reliable results, the correct answer is not complex, and many more. Representative in terms of covering and representing the material that has been taught. Google Form has advantages such as providing an automatic data processing system, so teachers do not need to calculate the assessment results manually. The responses of students and teachers to the use of Google Form as an assessment platform for social studies learning were overall positive. It means that the use of Google Forms impacts both teachers and students.

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