Efektivitas Penggunaan Aplikasi Zoom Dalam Pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah Dasar
This study focused on the use of zoom applications in social studies learning to analyze teacher understanding, implementation of social studies learning, student understanding, and obstacles experienced during learning. The research method used is phenomenology through analysis of interview instruments, observations, documentation studies, and field notes. It shows that teachers understand the use of the zoom application by interpreting the use of the zoom application and its features. In the implementation of social studies learning using the zoom application, the teacher divides 40 minutes into three stages, namely preliminary activities for 5 minutes, core activities for 30 minutes, and closing activities for 5 minutes. Students can understand whether it is interpreting, explaining, and exemplifying all social studies material during 3 meetings. Barriers or obstacles experienced by teachers and students are a sudden unstable signal, sudden exit from the zoom room, and noise from outside. Overall, the use of the zoom application is useful when viewed from the implementation and understanding of students, so it is recommended for online learning during this Covid-19 pandemic.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpi.v4i1.38089
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