Kajian Bibliometrik tentang Pembelajaran Menulis dalam Pendidikan Bahasa Tahun 2011-2020
In language learning, there are four skills that must be mastered, including writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Writing skills has a great influence on the quality of an individual's language. This study aims to examine writing learning in language education using bibliometric analysis. This study examines journal articles that have been published and Scopus indexed. The range of years used in this bibliometric study is ten years with a period of 2011-2020. The results of the bibliometric analysis contained five findings, such as: (1) development publications that each year have an increase and decrease, with the number of publications the most was in 2019; (2) the most dominating and possessing keywords the biggest link with other keywords is writing; (3) the title terms that have the greatest relevance are: writing, writing instruction, and pedagogy.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpi.v4i1.37984
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