Penerapan Metode Scramble Tipass Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dalam Menulis Surat Undangan Resmi Siswa Kelas V SDN Darangdan
The students of class V SDN Darangdan in writing anofficial letter of invitation is stillless . Of the 19 students who value reacquisition of 42%,11 students have not been completed with the acquisition of 57% to resolve it, perform the action research class. After the application of the method scramble tipass, we obtained results that the performance of teachers in cycle 1, reaching 83% , cycle 2 is 91.6%, and cycle 3 100%. the activity of the students of 19 people in cycle 1,reaching 83% cycle 2 is 91.6% and the 3rd cycle of 100%. The activity of the students of 19 people on a cycle of 1 get the value of B (good) 6 students (31%) on cycle of 2 to 10 people (52%) and cycle 3 of the 17 people (of 89.4%). Student learning outcomes in cycle 1, namely students who otherwise completed as many as 11 students (of 57.8%), in cycle 2 15 students (78%) andcycle 3 of the 17 students (of 89.4%). Conclusion the use of Conclusion the use of the method scramble tipass can improve learning out comes in writingan official letter of invitation students of class V Sdn Darangdan.
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