Mathematics is a science that applies continuously and universally. Because mathematics is obtained based on reasoning. The mathematical concept that is learned through reasoning is very helpful for humans in matters of daily life. The scope of the mathematical material taught in elementary school is geometry, one of which is many facets. To master material as much as it is regular and irregular, it requires the ability of mathematical understanding to master it. Determining a lot correctly needs to be believed, because there are some students who are not confident in the results that have been calculated. One of the efforts to improve students' mathematical understanding and self-efficacy is to use the CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) approach. This study used a group control pretest-posttest group design, with a fourth grade sample at SDN 3
Arjawinangun Cirebon. This study aims to determine the effect of the CTL approach to comprehension and self-efficacy, knowing the effect of conventional approaches to comprehension and self-efficacy and knowing the correlation between comprehension and self-efficacy. The results of this study are posttest scores on the ability of understanding and self-efficacy in the experimental class and the control experienced an increase from the results of the value of the pretest of comprehension and self-efficacy. In addition there is an increase in N-Gain on the results of the pretest and posttest results. But there is no correlation between the ability of mathematical understanding and self-efficacy. The conclusions obtained from this study are 1) there is a positive effect of the CTL approach on the ability of mathematical understanding and self-efficacy, 2) there is a positive effect of conventional approaches on mathematical understanding and self-efficacy abilities, 3) there is a correlation between mathematical and self-understanding abilities efficacy.
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