Research indicates that adjustment to retirement is tough for Nigerian retirees, arising from employers’ neglect and workers’ laxity. The extent to which personal dispositions could influence adjustment to retirement is of interest to researchers, retirement counselors, and gerontologists. The study investigated both the individual and joint contributory influence of self-compassion, self-criticism/self-reassurance, and distress disclosure on retirement adjustment of retirees in Nigeria. The study adopted survey design. A sample of 181 retirees selected from two states, using multi-stage sampling. Data were collected using Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) developed by Neff (2003), Retirement Adjustment Scale (RAS) developed by Adeyemo and Olatomide (2017), Forms of Self-Criticism/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale (FSCRS) developed by Gilbert et al. (2004), and Distress Disclosure Index (DDI) developed by Kahn and Hessling (2001). The data were analysed, using simple regression and multiple regression analyses. Results showed that self-compassion 0.349, AdjR2 = 0.346, Beta = 0.591, t = 9.776, F value = 95.56, P value = 0.000<0.05), and self-criticism/self-reassurance 0.126, AdjR2 = 0.121, Beta = 0.355, t = 5.080, F value = 25.80, P value = 0.000<0.05), produced significant individual contribution effect on retirement adjustment of the retirees, while distress disclosure = 0.003, AdjR2 = 0.002, Beta = 0.058, t = 0.779, F value = 0.606, P value = 0.437>0.05) has no significant individual contribution effect, among other findings. Retirement counsellors should underscore the significance of compassion toward oneself, underplaying personal and external errors, including readiness to intimate significant others with one’s distressful situations during interactions with prospective retirees and the retired, among other counselling implications.
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