Implementation of the”8 PS” model and Marketing Sharia In Islamic banking
Customer decisions making in choosing a healthy Islamic Bank is supported by the bank's performance in managing services in an integrated marketing strategy and consistency in maintaining the bank's marketing service based Characteristic sharia. The research was done to see the extent to which the characteristics of Islamic marketing and marketing integration services to customers of the Bank's decision and its impact on the reputation of Islamic banks in the city of Bandung. The population of this study are all customers of Bank Muamalat Indonesia in Bandung. The method used is descriptive and explanatory survey. The data used are primary and secondary data. To measure the magnitude of the direct and indirect effects between variables we used Structural Equetion Modeling (SEM) analysis. Based on the results of the study revealed that can be drawn from the results of this analysis is that the actors in the Islamic banking industry should increase its marketing services through eight models Ps and attention to special characters in the marketing sharia as the main reference in developing integrated services marketing programs, the authors recommend diadakanya active personal sales activities, events and public relations activities, as well as education of sharia products and services, making banks more socially acceptable
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