Implications of TQHRM in Achieving Actualization of CPNS Quality Commitments at the Ministry of PUPR

Darmawan Darmawan


The objective to be achieved in this study is to analyze the Total Quality Human Resource Management in measuring the results of the realization of Candidates for Civil Servants' quality commitments that have followed the PUPR basic training course so that it is known whether the participants apply the knowledge gained during the training process in their respective institutions. The population was taken from participants and alumni of the Ministry of PUPR's basic training and training with 71 samples taken. The data source used in this study is primary data using a questionnaire. The results showed that the total quality human resource management consisting of indicators of ethics, integrity, communication, cooperation and leadership had a significant effect on increasing the actualization of quality commitments oriented to effectiveness, efficiency, innovation and quality orientation in Candidates for Civil Servants who had attended training in training the basis of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia. If the TQHRM indicator in this study is getting better, the actualization of quality commitments in order to improve performance will also increase.


Human resources; TQHRM; actualization of quality commitments oriented


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