The Implementation of the Make a Match Method in Improving Arabic Speaking Skills at SMP Islam Program Khusus Muhammadiyah Delanggu

Aina Tsabitah Qolbi, Hakimuddin Salim


This study aims to explore the implementation of the Make a Match method to improve Arabic speaking skills at SMP Islam Program Khusus Muhammadiyah Delanggu. The study uses a qualitative approach with a case study design, focusing on an in-depth understanding of the implementation of the method, the challenges faced, and its impact on students' speaking abilities. Data collection techniques include direct observation, interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of relevant documents related to the learning process. The results of this study found that the implementation of the Make a Match method was effective in developing students' speaking skills. This method successfully created a fun and dynamic learning environment that encouraged students to become more confident and active in speaking Arabic. Additionally, this method helped students more easily remember new vocabulary and use it in daily conversations. However, some challenges were faced, such as differences in students' abilities and limitations in available supporting facilities. Nevertheless, this method still had a positive impact on the improvement of students' speaking skills. The conclusion of this study is that the Make a Match method is an effective alternative to be applied in Arabic language learning to enhance students' speaking skills. This study also has practical implications for educators and curriculum developers, suggesting that interactive and engaging teaching methods like Make a Match can be integrated into language learning programs to enhance students' speaking proficiency and motivation.


Make a match; speaking skill; Arabic; interactive learning.

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