Mechanisms and Procedures for Teacher Protection at the Laboratory Schools of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Ridwan Purnama, Asep Ridwan Lubis


This study examines the effectiveness of implementing teacher protection mechanisms at UPI Laboratory High School in Indonesia. Using a mixed-methods approach with an Explanatory Sequential Design, the research involved 30 teachers and the principal, focusing on four key areas: legal protection, professional protection, occupational safety and health, and intellectual property rights. Data collection included pre-test and post-test assessments, alongside Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). The pre-test indicated an initial understanding level of 70% across all areas. Following targeted training, post-test results showed a significant improvement, with understanding increasing to 95% (t(29) = 15.87, p < .001, d = 2.90).  FGD analysis identified several themes contributing to this improvement: increased awareness and empowerment, practical application of knowledge, collaborative learning benefits, heightened intellectual property awareness, institutional support, and a cultural shift regarding teacher rights.  The study concludes that targeted training can effectively address knowledge gaps in teacher protection, but emphasizes the need for ongoing support and clear institutional frameworks to ensure practical application. These findings have implications for policy development and the implementation of teacher protection measures in laboratory schools and beyond.


teacher protection; laboratory schools; mixed-methods research; professional development; educational policy.

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