Dewi Sri Kusuma, Wanapri Pangaribuan, Zainuddin Zainuddin, Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo


The principal's decisions are made within a complex organization called a school. This study explores how systems thinking is reflected in principals' perceptions of their decision-making processes. Based on qualitative analysis of interviews and focus groups, principals' descriptions of their effective decision making reflect systems thinking in the following three areas: (1) expanding the number of choices; (2) identify possible consequences of various alternatives; and (3) search for and analyze relevant information. Because schools are inherently complex organizations, the findings of this study highlight the relationship between the complex nature of principals' decision making and systems thinking. Based on the findings of this study, systems thinking can serve as a framework for analyzing principal decision making. Therefore, systems thinking can be used to facilitate the selection of new principals. Of course, selecting the most capable candidates for school leadership positions has a significant impact on the performance of SMP Negeri 18 Medan.


systems thinking; principal; decision making.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v9i2.75107


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