Exploring Engineering Students’ Misconceptions About Motion and Forces Using Concept Cartoons

Randel D. Estacio, Erlee Angel S. Reyes, Nina C. Apusaga


Misconceptions are viewed as barrier to students in learning concepts. Instruments like concept cartoon is one of the tools that may be used to examine students' science misconceptions. The study aims to identify the common misconceptions of selected engineering students at Quezon City University during the second semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022 using concept cartoons and explore the its applicability, appropriateness, and practicability. The study utilized a mixed-method approach. A total of 241 students and 7 science teachers participated in the study. Three types of concept cartoons were used to determine students’ misconceptions in the topics motion, forces, and Newton’s laws of motion. A validated survey questionnaire was used to determine the concept cartoon’s applicability, appropriateness, practicability, and advantages and disadvantages. Results shows that concept cartoons are considered as applicable, appropriate, and practical tool in diagnosing students’ misconceptions. It overcome the weaknesses of other diagnostic instruments. However, it offered similar weaknesses such as issues on longer testing time, students’ response-rate, and teacher training in developing a well-constructed item. Study shows that in selecting suitable instrument to diagnose student’s science misconceptions, instruments’ applicability, appropriateness, and practicability should be considered.


Assessment tool; Concept Cartoons; Misconceptions; Motion and Forces; Science Education.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v9i1.74739


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