Implementation of Mobile Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
The very rapid development of science and technology affects human life in various fields such as politics, society, law, economics, and education. The rapid development of this technology must be accompanied by an increase in human resources and an increase in education. Therefore, the progress and decline of a country depends on the perception of education. Therefore, new innovations are needed to advance and develop this society and become a better country that is able to compete with other countries. To achieve this goal requires great innovation, especially in the field of education. So far, various developments and enhancements have been carried out, including product improvements, products and learning support, but this is still lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new learning support that can be used simultaneously as learning material. The application is a mobile device. Cell phones are very important and very close to human life. Cell phones can not only be used as a means of communication, but can also be used as a means and source of learning in the world of education. Cell phones can facilitate learning regardless of time or space. This article aims to explain what mobile learning is, the goals of mobile learning, the development of mobile learning, the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning, and the implementation of mobile learning for students.
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