An Effective Learning Model when SBTJJ is Implemented in a Pandemic Period for Junior High School Students
The entry of the Covid-19 virus into Indonesia hampered all activities of human life, especially in the field of education. All activities regarding education, such as schools, create no limitations in the direct learning process between educators and students. The problem that occurs is the limitations and separation in learning and the learning process that must be changed. Educators have to provide the learning process as effectively as possible for students so that students can continue their learning goals even in insufficient circumstances. The need for adaptation between educators, students, and parents to the new learning process, creates some confusion, feels bored, and decreases student achievement. The rapidly developing technology needs to be used by educators to continue to carry out distance learning and makes creative and innovative solutions. This observation aims to provide an alternative for educators to use learning models that are suitable for use when the learning process takes place remotely, then provide innovations with fun learning styles for students, so that students do not feel bored and easily adapt to the learning model used for learning. The method used is the literature review method, which provides many references from several related journal articles. The results of the study show that many students have problems with their way of learning and it affects their achievement, as well as the limitations of educators who do not explore enough to make the learning process less effective at distance. Models that are considered suitable for distance learning during a pandemic, enable educators to think creatively and innovatively to develop their learning models. So that in several schools, especially Junior High Schools in Indonesia, they have implemented problem based learning, asynchronous and synchronous learning models, blended learning, digital literacy, and flipped learning.
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