Teachers as Models of Language Politeness in Instructional Interaction in Elementary School
In the instructional interactions in elementary school, teachers have a very important role. One of them is that the teacher demanded to create a conducive learning situation so that the students can perform in a supportive psychological learning atmosphere. Conducive learning atmosphere can only be created if the teachers are friendly to the students. Teachers use polite language so as not to face-threatening to students. Polite language which is spoken by teachers will be able to be used as a model by the students. Thus, indirectly, teachers instill character values of courtesy to students. In the instructional interactions in elementary school, teachers can implement positive politeness strategy in building a close relationship with the students. Sub-positive politeness strategies can be chosen in the implementation of the initial activity, core activities, and the end of the learning activity. With the application of positive politeness strategy will build close relationship between teachers and learners. With the closeness of this relationship, instructional interaction can work in harmony so that the learning objectives will be well achieved.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v8i2.68200
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