Design Media Learning Kawih Wanda Anyar Use Articulate Storyline 3
Design is a plan to produce a product or media. Over time the development of technology is growing rapidly, such as the use of multimedia in music education, for example Kacapi Kawih Wanda Anyar learning. Making learning products is a solution so that learning is not limited by space and time, such as the case with making Kacapi Kawih Wanda Anyar learning products/multimedia by using the articulate storyline 3 application. Kawih Wanda Anyar is one of the traditional performing arts (karawitan) from West Java, the pioneer of which is Mang Koko. Kacapi used in this art is Kacapi Siter. To realize the product is based on Luther's theory. The Kacapi kawih Wanda Anyar learning product consists of understanding Kacapi Kawih Wanda Anyar, cacarakan, techniques. The product display is made attractive and communicative so that students are comfortable in learning.
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MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, is published by UPI Press in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
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