Usability of ICT Tools for Data Collection on Students Learning Ability Among Primary School Counsellors in Kwara State
The study focuses on the usability of ICT tools for the data collection on students' learning ability among primary school counsellors in Kwara State. The study explores the potential benefits and challenges of using ICT tools for data collection in the field of education. The research design for the study was a descriptive survey research design of ex-post-facto type. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. The population of the study covered all the primary school counsellors in Kwara State using the purposive and convenient method to select one hundred counsellors to fill the researcher's instrument. The data collected from the study was analyzed using percentage and t-test statistical methods at a 0.05 level of significance. The result finding showed that all ICT usability levels are identified as low required by primary school counsellors in Kwara State. From the findings of this study, it was evident that primary school counsellors in Kwara State were not conversant with the use of ICT tools in the data collection of their student's learning ability. The study recommends that the government should make available more technology tools to advance the work of counsellors, faster and easier in terms of accessibility, storing and retrieving to avoid loss of vital information that will be useful for students.
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