Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Number Head Together Berbantuan Metode Discovery terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

Ari Bintari


Low mathematics learning outcomes and student activeness due to lack of effective learning model in optimizing students’ ability and motivation. The formulation of this research problem is whether the learning model Number Head Together (NHT) with the help of effective discovery method to the result of student learning class III. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the model with the help of the method of discovery of learning mathematics class III SDN Mewek. Pre-experimental method used in this research, which tests, documentation study, and observation sheet as its instruments. Based on the results of the final analysis that has been done visible from the percentage of mastery learning aiswa show learning without using learning model NHT as 5 students who completed with 25% percent and 15 students have not completed with the percentage 75%. Whereas after being given (posttest) treatment using NHT learning model and pizza media fractions that complete 16 students with percentage 80% and 4 students have not completed with percentage 20%. It is reinforced by t-test, that students’ achievement has been increased significantly by NHT model.


Number Head Together (NHT); concrete media; fractions

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