Situational Leadership Analysis of Madrasah Principals in Improving the Effectiveness of Madrasah Management at MTs Asuhan Medan

Salisa Afany, Makmur Syukri


This research addresses internal conflicts and challenges through a responsive and adaptive situational leadership approach. The study employs a qualitative descriptive research design, using observations, interviews, and documentation to gather data. The findings focus on the principal’s leadership practices, examining whether they are implemented effectively and appropriately. Situational leadership enables the principal to foster a positive learning environment, enhance teaching quality, and support students’ academic achievement. A supportive environment and effective management play crucial roles in achieving the goals of madrasah education. Overall, the situational leadership analysis indicates that the principal of MTs Asuhan Medan can significantly improve madrasah management through a flexible and adaptive approach. By understanding the unique needs and circumstances of staff and teachers and applying suitable leadership styles, the principal creates a productive and harmonious work environment, ultimately enhancing the quality of education offered to students. The situational leadership approach employed by the principal of MTs Asuhan Medan is instrumental in improving madrasah management effectiveness. By adapting to various needs and situations, this leadership style enables the principal to provide appropriate direction, support, participation, and delegation to staff and teachers. Situational leadership allows the principal to tailor their approach to staff competencies and commitment levels, boosting their motivation and engagement in administrative and instructional responsibilities.


Effectiveness; Management; Principal; Situational Leadership

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