Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Visualisasi Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Jalan Arteri Primer Kota Surabaya
Accidents are an event that often occurs on the highway, especially in big cities, one of which is Surabaya City. Accidents are one of the main problems for the safety of road users. Almost all activities carried out require transportation facilities, if the transportation facilities do not run well due to traffic accidents, the activities carried out will not run well. Therefore, a solution is needed to reduce accidents by building an accident-prone area information system. In determining the criteria for accident-prone areas, it is taken from the Republic of Indonesia Police, the Department of Transportation, and Public Works, based on the number of accidents, the number of fatalities of victims, and road conditions. This research is an effort to visualize the occurrence of accidents using spatial data of Surabaya City road network maps and non-spatial data, namely accident data and road data obtained from the police and the Bina Marga Service. In the final result of this research, an application is obtained that can provide visualization of accident-prone areas such as Ahmad Yani road which is a road with a high accident rate with the number of incidents and has the highest victim fatality weighting results among 9 other primary arterial roads.
Accident Prone Areas, Geographic Information System, Surabaya City, Traffic, Transportation
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