Implikasi Low Impact Develompent (LID) Untuk Mereduksi Limapasan Pada Ruas Jalan Lingkar Selatan Kota Sukabumi
The condition of the Drainage Network in the South Ring Road section of Sukabumi City has problems when the rainy season arrives, one of the problems faced is the occurrence of runoff on the road and several sub-catchments. Runoff problems in drainage channels are caused by fill of garbage, sedimentation and vegetation that impact on the capacity of channel. It is necessary to conduct a study related to the condition of the existing channel to provide a solution in handling overflows. Primary data used is direct observation at the study site to obtain channel dimensions and channel elevations in existing conditions. Secondary data in the form of maximum rainfall points at the study site (NASA source) for 42 years. Based on the 5-year return period design rainfall calculation with the Log Pearson III Distribution method (selected method), simulated with the Personal Computer Storm Water Management Models. The results of the analysis show that there is flooding at the junction of 4 points in the conditions of the 5-year return period design rainfall. To reduce flooding, it is necessary to evaluate the drainage system by maximizing the function of existing land in each sub-catchment by installing Low Impact Development (LID) instruments in the form of Rain Barrel, Rain Garden and Bio-Retention at a number of sub-catchment points affected by flooding. The simulation results show that there is a reduction in average runoff of 35% so that the installation of LID instruments can be used to minimize the impact of flooding.
Channel, Drainage, LID, Runoff, Sub-catchment
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