Passo Village is a lowland area, where the Passo area has quite dense residential areas. . The increase in population growth and changes in land use that occur in the Passo Village area have resulted in many changes that will have negative impacts in the form of flooding or inundation. This is what happens in the Passo Village area, where during the high intensity rainy season there are often floods or puddles around the area. The existing canal system is not functioning properly. This is due to the narrowing of the Passo Canal channel due to the presence of buildings on the canal border such as residences and shops. The Passo Canal was used as a rubbish dump. The dimensions of the canal have changed and cannot accommodate the existing hydrological discharge. In overcoming this problem, the aim of this research is to determine the water level in the Passo Canal with the help of HEC-RAS 5.03 Software and to find out preventive methods for overcoming flooding problems in the Passo Canal. The initial stage is hydrological and hydraulic analysis. The results of the hydrological analysis are rainfall distribution using the Log Pearson III distribution, to calculate the planned discharge using the Der Weduwen method, it is obtained with a 10 year return period of 0.398 m3/sec. The results of hydraulic analysis using HEC-RAS 5.03 software showed that the highest water level at the S15 canal section was 0.52 meter. From this research it can be concluded that the Passo Canal requires flood management efforts, especially by normalizing the canal cross-section.
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