In the AC-WC mixture, the filler is the material that significantly influences the characteristics and quality of the asphalt concrete mixture. Fillers can come from environmentally friendly materials. One material that is often found is shell waste. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Based on research conducted, the shells used to meet the requirements as filler with a percentage of passing sieve no. 200 was 75.12% and the gradation composition of the mixture for AC-WC was 2% for shell filler, 50% for stone ash, 33% for screening, and 15% for the split. Meanwhile, the asphalt used in the AC-WC mixture is PG 76 Asphalt. Based on the test results, it was found that the characteristics of PG 76 asphalt were not too flexible and tended to be stiff, resistant to hot temperatures, and had homogeneous properties. In testing the AC-WC mixture, Marshall’s results obtained an optimum asphalt content of 6.3% with a stability value of 2877 kg and a flow value of 2,716 mm. This shows that the use of shell filler can increase the stability value of the mixture, however, a high stability value accompanied by low flow indicates that the mixture has a stiff pavement and will be brittle. Meanwhile, for the runway pavement thickness design at Nusawiru Airport using the FAA method and FAARFIELD software, a total thickness of 14 inches was obtained with details of a Surface Course thickness of 4 inches, a Base Course thickness of 6 inches, and a Subbase Course thickness of 4 inches.
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