Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Kepala Bidang Dikmenti Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat
shows that there is a strong relationship between the variables X and Y. The test results significantly with t-test obtained t is known ttabel 6.031 and 2.012 compared to 6.03˃ 2012 means that significant relationship between interpersonal communication department heads Dikmenti on productivity employee of West Java Provincial Education Office. To determine
the influence of the variables X and Y is shown from the calculation coefficient of determination (KD) of 43%. This shows that the influence of the head of the field of interpersonal communication Dikmenti against employee productivity Education Department of West Java province by 43% and the remaining 57% is influenced by other factors. Likewise, the results of the regression analysis obtained by the equation Y = 44.949 + 0.525 X means every one-unit change in the variable X will provid a change in the variable Y for 0.525.Berdasarkan the above results it can be concluded that the research hypothesis that there is positive and significant correlation between Interpersonal Communication Division leader Dikmenti the Work Productivity Employee Education Department of West Java Province. The results of this study are expected to provide a benefit both for the institution, employees and for further research that will examine communication problems on the productivity of labor.
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