Methodological Aspects of Pedagogical Ethics of Schoolchildren
The article describes the methodological possibilities of pedagogical
prevention of morality of schoolchildren. Methods such as historical and
comparative analysis, pedagogical observation, questionnaires,
interviews, study of school documents, generalization, pedagogical
experiment-test, mathematical and statistical analysis were used. The
practical results of the study are as follows: the content of approaches
(diagnosis, correction, prevention, rehabilitation) related to the
pedagogical mechanisms of the formation of moral qualities of secondary
school students has been clarified; mechanisms, content, forms, means,
methods and methods of pedagogical prevention of morality of
secondary school students, didactic model have been developed and used
in the educational process; pedagogical technology and didactic provision
for the prevention of moral deviations among secondary school students
have been developed; Adaptive variants of interactive methods have been
developed that allow them to be effectively used during classes and
extracurricular activities aimed at preventing moral deviations among
secondary school students. The scientific significance of the research
results lies in the content, theoretical and methodological, practical and
methodological, organizational and technological foundations, didactic
and educational possibilities of pedagogical prevention of morality of
general education schoolchildren, prevention of immorality among
schoolchildren of general education is determined by identifying the
structure and stages through morality. The practical significance of the
research results lies in enriching the didactic provision of pedagogical
prevention of morality of secondary school students, promoting practical
and methodological recommendations aimed at developing the skills of
moral education of students, and according to the results - received by
teachers, school leaders, parents - this is explained by the fact that it can
be effectively used in improving the activities of mothers, activists of the
district, law enforcement agencies working with minors.
Full Text:
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