Dalam penelitian ini, kami menyusun sebuah model teoritis dan juga menguji secara empiris hubungan antara sikap, harapan, dan persepsi terhadap matematika dengan kemampuan regulasi diri siswa. Data sikap, harapan, persepsi, dan kemampuan regulasi diri siswa diperoleh melalui angket kepada 104 siswa kelas 8 di salah satu SMP Negeri di Surabaya Barat. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) melalui software Lisrel versi 9.2 untuk menentukan hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang diuji. Pemodelan teoritis menunjukkan bahwa harapan dan persepsi berpengaruh langsung pada kemampuan regulasi diri siswa sementara sikap berperan sebagai variabel antara. Nilai kontribusi masing-masing variabel menunjukkan perbedaan tingkat keterkaitan. Hasil uji empiris menunjukkan bahwa sikap dan persepsi berpengaruh secara langsung pada kemampuan regulasi diri siswa, sedangkan harapan tidak berpengaruh langsung. Hubungan antara harapan dan persepsi dengan sikap siswa terhadap matematika dite-gaskan dalam hasil pengujian empiris yang dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa harapan dan persepsi berkon-tribusi terhadap sikap siswa terhadap matematika.
In this study, we composed a theoretical model as well as empirically tested the relationship between attitude, expectation, and perception towards mathematics with students’ self-regulation ability. Students’ attitude, ex-pectation, perception, and self-regulation ability data were collected from a questionnaire to 104 eight graders in one of public junior high schools in West Surabaya. The collected data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by Lisrel Software version 9.2 to determine relationship between the evaluated variables. Theoretical modeling showed that expectation and perception affected students’ self-regulation abil-ity while attitude serves as an intervening variable. The contribution of each variable indicated a different degree of interconnection. Empirical testing suggested that attitude and perception directly affected students’ self-regulation ability, while expectation did not. The connection between expectation and perception with students’ attitude towards mathematics were affirmed in empirical testing results in which it clearly showed that expectation and perception contributed to students’ attitude towards mathematics.
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