Santy Awalliyah, Parsaoran Siahaan, Muhammad Gina Nugraha, Kartika Hajar Kirana



Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui hubungan keterampilan proses sains dengan penguasaan konsep siswa kelas VII terkait dengan gaya kognitif field dependent dan gaya kognitif field independent. Penelitian korelasional ini melibatkan 108 siswa kelas VII di salah satu SMPN di Kota Bandung. Keterampilan proses sains dan penguasaan konsep dievaluasi dengan menggunakan instrumen tes yang telah melalui proses judgement dan uji coba, sedangkan untuk mengklasifikasikan gaya kognitif siswa digunakan instrumen tes standar Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan proses sains dengan penguasaan konsep memiliki hubungan yang signifikan untuk siswa kelas VII bergaya kognitif field dependent ( r (36) = 0,564, thitung > ttabel), sedangkan pada siswa bergaya kognitif field independent hubungan keterampilan proses sains dengan penguasaan konsep tidak signifikan ( r (38) = 0,431, thitung > ttabel).


The aim of this research was to find out correlation between science process skill and conceptual mastery of 7th grade students related to different cognitive style, i.e. field dependent and field independent. This study involves 108 students in one of public schools in Bandung. Science process skill and conceptual mastery were evaluated by test instruments, which were already validated and tested, while Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) was used to classify student's cognitive style. Results suggested that there was a significant correlation between science process skill and conceptual mastery for students with dependent cognitive style ( r (36) = 0,564, tvalue > ttable), while for students with independent cognitive style the correlation was insignificant ( r (38) = 0,431, tvalue > ttable).


Keterampilan proses sains; penguasaan konsep; gaya kognitif; conceptual mastery; cognitive style; science process skills

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