Aprilia Dwi Handayani



Matematika dapat dipandang sebagai cara bernalar, karena matematika memuat cara pembuktian yang sahih atau valid, serta sifat penalaran matematika yang sistematis. Kemampuan penalaran merupakan salah satu dari kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Materi matematika dan penalaran matematika merupakan dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, materi matematika dipahami melalui penalaran dan penalaran dipahami dan dilatih melalui belajar materi matematika. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas tentang salah satu jenis penalaran menurut Lithner, yaitu penalaran kreatif. Terdapat dua jenis penalaran yang sering digunakan siswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas matematika, yaitu: Creative Reasoning (Penalaran Kreatif) dan Imitatif Reasoning (Penalaran Imitatif). Penalaran kreatif mempunyai empat kriteria, yaitu: kebaruan (novelty), fleksibel (flexibility), masuk akal (plausible) dan berdasar matematis (mathematical foundation).


Mathematics can be seen as a way of reasoning, because mathematics contain valid way of proving, as well as the systematic nature of mathematical reasoning. Reasoning ability is one of the competencies required by learners. Mathematics and mathematical reasoning are two things that cannot be separated, the material is understood through reasoning and mathematical reasoning to understand and are trained through learning mathematics. In this article will discuss about one of the types of reasoning according to Lithner, creative reasoning. There are two types of reasoning that is often used by students in solving mathematical tasks: creative reasoning and imitative reasoning. Creative reasoning has four criteria: novelty, flexible, reasonable and mathematical foundation.


kreatif; matematika; penalaran; creative; mathematics; reasoning

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