Telah berhasil dikembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis proses berpikir kausalitas dan berpikir analitik (PBK-BA) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan problem-solving (KPS) mahasiswa calon guru fisika dalam pokok bahasan gerak, hukum Newton tentang gerak, kerja & energi, gravitasi, momentum linear, kesetimbangan benda tegar, dan termodinamika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendesain model pembelajaran berbasis PBK-BA dan menentukan pola PBK-BA yang perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan KPS secara optimal. Penelitian menggunakan metoda mixed method berjenis embedded design one-phase dengan penekanan kualitatif. Dalam taraf kepercayaan 95%, berdasarkan hasil uji-t Wilcoxon secara umum menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan keenam indikator KPS yang meliputi kemampuan understanding, selecting, differentiating, determining, applying, dan identifying pada mahasiswa kelompok bawah maupun atas dan peningkatan ini pada mahasiswa kelas atas lebih baik daripada mahasiswa kelas bawah. Pencapaian akhir persentase KPS secara umum masih berkategori rendah. Untuk mengoptimalkan pencapaian KPS mahasiswa direkomendasikan untuk mengembangkan dua pola umum PBK-BA, yaitu pola PBK-BA standar dan pola PBK-BA ber-scaffolding.
It has been developed a learning model based on the process of causality and analytic thinking (PCAT) to improve problem-solving skill (PSS) of the pre service students of Physics. The model has been applied to the subject of movement, Newton’s law about movement, work and energy, linear momentum, gravity, equilibrium of rigid body, and thermodynamics. The purpose of this research is to design the learning model based on PCAT and determine the pattern needed for improving PSS optimally. The method used is mixed method of embedded design one-phase emphasing qualitative. By means significance of 5%, the result of Wilcoxon test-t shows significant increase of PSS including the skills of understanding, selecting, differentiating, determining, applying, dan identifying for both classes of the students and the increase of PSS on the top class better than that of low class. However, the final attainment of the percentage of PSS for the two classes generally has a category counted low. To make an optimal attainment of PSS of the students it is recommended to develop two patterns of PCAT, i.e. the standard and scaffolding patterns.
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