This descriptive research described a profile of students’ critical thinking that measured by Science Virtual Test (SVT). The participants who involved in this study are 563 students on Junior High School (JHS). Their distibution are 188 students in 7th grade (13 years old), 265 students in 8th grade (14 years old), and 110 students in 9th grade (15 years old). They comes from Bandung city, Bandung district, West Bandung district, Tasikmalaya city, and Kuningan city that gathered in West Java, Indonesia. Qualitatative data were obtained by using five packages of Scienve Virtual Test (SVT) with topic on integrated concepts “living things and environmental sustainability” and separated concepts “heat and matter; human digestive system”. Results showed that general achievement of students’ critical thinking was 58.24%. Its mean in ‘medium’ level. The highest score on element “interpretation and inference” (66.18%) while the lowest score on element “question at issue” (42.02%). Therefore, the strategy to improve of students’ critical thinking is needed.
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