Role Play Techniques in Improving Student Competence in Processing Reservations

Ayulia Nirwani, Tresna Bela, Dania Safitri, Elly Malihah, Siti Nurbayani


The hospitality industry plays a significant role in tourism, making it crucial for the workforce to have the appropriate competencies to have a strong opportunity to work in this sector. To meet the labor needs, hospitality study programs can serve as the best means to develop those competencies. The Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) serve as a reference for various professions, including hotel front office staff, particularly reservation agents. This study explores the implementation of role-play techniques in classroom learning, which aim to enhance the competencies of hospitality students in higher education in handling reservations. Using a qualitative approach, the study was conducted in two processes: analyzing the alignment of role-play dialogues with SKKNI and conducting a focus group discussion (FGD). The research findings indicate that the role-play technique has been proven to improve students' competencies in handling reservations in accordance with SKKNI. The study produces practical recommendations for educational institutions in designing effective learning methods that meet the needs of students and the industry


Roleplay technique, Competency, reservation, hospitality

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