Needs-Based Curriculum Design for Business Japanese: A Case Study of Japanese Studies Students

Silvia Adriana Fatika, Lea Santiar


Business Japanese proficiency plays an important role for graduates of the Japanese Studies Program in supporting effective workplace communication. This research aims to design a Business Japanese curriculum based on a needs analysis conducted as a case study within the Japanese Studies Program at the University of Indonesia. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 65 students and 2 lecturers responsible for teaching the Business Japanese course. Nunan’s (1988) model of needs analysis was adopted to gather both objective and subjective information. The mastery of business Japanese speaking skills among university students is relatively low, but there is inconsistency in the information due to the limited research on the topic. The crucial business Japanese speaking skills required for the workforce align with previous studies, including self-introduction in formal situations, telephone correspondence, conducting work presentations, and making appointments/schedules. Some desired learning methods and media have been implemented in class with varying effects, and strategies to overcome challenges have been discussed. Based on these findings, a curriculum design with a functional syllabus was developed, applying the backward design model by Richard and Rodgers (2014). This curriculum design embraces a Student-Centered Learning approach, along with the integration of digital learning media in its classroom implementation. It is recommended that this curriculum be implemented as a practical solution for teaching Business Japanese at the university level. Further research is needed to address the limitations of this study by expanding the scope nationally or globally and exploring other essential skills, such as listening, writing, and reading.


Business Japanese; Curriculum Design; Japanese for Specific Purposes (JSP); Needs Analysis.

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