An Analysis of Techniques and Accuracy in Consecutive Interpreting from Indonesian to Japanese: A Case Study of The Indonesian Presidential State Speech
This research aims to determine the consecutive interpreting techniques used and the accuracy of interpreting produced in the oral translation of the state speech of the President of the Republic of Indonesia which was translated from Indonesian into Japanese. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques such as triangulation, non-participatory technique, note-taking technique, and interview. This research uses interpreting techniques proposed by Jones (2002) to analyze the techniques and used parameters for assessing the accuracy of the interpretation proposed by Saehu (2018) and Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono (2012) to assess the quality of the interpretation. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the most used technique was omission. Omission is most widely used to clarify important messages that must be conveyed to listeners by ignoring things that are considered less important. However, the use of the omission technique causes many translation results to be less accurate because there are still messages from the source language that are not conveyed completely into the target language. Based on the analysis, it is also found that the theory of interpreting techniques proposed by Jones is not suitable for consecutive interpreting because it cannot accommodate all utterances in consecutive interpreting. After all, there are no data that use anticipation techniques and there are interpreting processes that do not use interpreting techniques at all based on the theory proposed by Jones. Future researchers can use more than one technique or can use other theories that can strengthen, support, and even deepen to analyze consecutive interpreting techniques and assess their accuracy. Future researchers can also assess the quality of an interpretation with several experts so that the results can be more objective.
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Department of Japanese Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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