Pada umumnya penyebab rendahnya kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa, karena pembelajaran membaca pemahaman yang kurang menarik dengan menggunakan cara klasikal, yaitu guru menyuruh siswa membaca wacana lalu menjawab pertanyaan. Cara klasikal tersebut membuat siswa papan atas semakin pandai, sedangkan siswa papan bawah tidak menunjukkan perubahan kemampuan membacanya apalagi memahaminya. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar situasi pembelajaran lebih menarik dan menyenangkan, sehingga siswa lebih mudah mengenal, memahami, dan mengingat kosakata juga kalimat yang menggunakan huruf kana.
Ada pun metode penelitian ini yaitu Metode Dediscerta yang merupakan kolaborasi Metode Demonstrasi, Metode Diskusi, Metode Ceramah, dan Metode Tanya Jawab. Metode Dediscerta digunakan pada kegiatan inti dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang dengan kegiatan membaca wacana sebagai kegiatannya. Metode Demonstrasi digunakan ketika melatih pelafalan, pemahaman, dan mengingat kosakata/kalimat dengan menggunakan kartu gambar, kartu huruf, slide. Metode Diskusi digunakan ketika siswa dalam kelompok membahas wacana. Metode Ceramah digunakan ketika guru menjelaskan hal-hal penting yang berhubungan dengan pola kalimat dan aturan kegiatan. Selanjutnya, Metode Tanya Jawab digunakan ketika latihan tanya jawab, dan membuat kesimpulan pembelajaran.
Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa metode Dediscerta yang digunakan pada pembelajaran dengan kegiatan membaca wacana menjadikan siswa papan bawah khususnya, memiliki keterampilan dan kemampuan membaca pemahaman dengan mendapat nilai yang cukup memuaskan terlihat dari hasil evaluasi, nilai di atas KKM.
Sebagai solusi untuk memecahkan masalah pembelajaran membaca pemahaman di sekolah, metode Dediscerta adalah metode yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa. Artinya, metode ini memberi keyakinan bahwa membaca pemahaman bisa diatasi oleh semua pihak dengan sikap dan tindakan yang tepat solusi persoalannya.
In general, students with poor reading comprehension appear because the method used by the teacher in reading lesson is considered as less attractive. Moreover, some teacher tends to use a classical method, such as asking the students to read a passage, then, they have to answer the question related to the passage. In this case, the students who have a good reading skill tend to get smarter due to the use of this classic method, whereas the students with poor reading comprehension are still left behind. Therefore, this study is conducted in order to make learning activities to be more fun and attractive for the students. Thus, the students are more able to recognize, comprehend, and remember the vocabulary or the sentence by using kana.
The method used in this study is called Dediscerta. This method is a collaboration of the Demonstration Method, Discussion Method, Lecture Method, and FAQ Method. Dediscerta Method is used during Japanese lesson where reading the passage becomes the core in learning activitiy. Demonstration Method however, is used when the students are practicing their pronunciation, comprehension, as well as their recognition related to vocabulary or sentence by using a picture card, a letter card, or a slide. Discussion Method is used when the students are divided into several groups, and they have to discuss the given passage. The next method which is Lecture Method, is used when the teacher explains a number of important points related to the grammar rules, and the regulation of that learning activity. The last method called FAQ is used at the end of learning activity where the students are allowed to ask and give a comment, and to summarize their learning activities in that day.
The results of this study show that the use of Dediscerta Method in reading activities has been improving the students' reading comprehension, especially for those who have reading problems. The improvement of students' comprehension and recognition are proved when their results are above the expected grade. Therefore, Dediscerta Method is considered as a good guidance for improving the students' reading comprehension. In this sense, this method has indicated that reading problems among the students could be solved by anyone once they recognize the core of the problem, and once they know the right action to solve it.
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Department of Japanese Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang (e-ISSN:2528-5548) lisenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internasional (CC BY-SA 4.0)